Nation Today
"The Kaw Nation has really progressed in
the last twenty years. There was a time when we didn't have nothin’
to look forward to. But. . . . God has brought us all back together once
again and made a nation of us one more time."
–Johnnie Rae McCauley, Kanza Pureblood, 1934–1997
Speaking at the Kaw Mission in June, 1996

Tribal Council
Back L-R:
Guyetta Monroe-Martin, Member
Marilyn Mehojah York, Member
Mary Pat Branch, Member
Gay Munsell, Secretary
Front L-R:
Guy Munroe, Chairman
Luther M. Pepper, Member
Roy Lee Ball, Vice-Chairman |
The Kaw Nation:
Johnnie Ray
McCauley's 1996 statement remains true thirteen years later, as
Kaw Nation continues to progress and expand. As of
January, 2009, tribal citizens totaled 2,861. Kaws
reside in 47 of the 50 states, with about 700 living in
Kay County, Oklahoma and an additional 12% living in
Kansas, although not in their former Council Grove
Kaw Nation is a sovereign,
self-governing nation, ruled under its 1990 Constitution
by a General Council of all adult tribal citizens and by
legislation and resolutions adopted by its seven-member
Tribal Council. |
As social, economic, and
educational programs for tribal citizens have grown, so
have the staff and facilities providing these services.
The Kanza Health
Center in Newkirk, Oklahoma has helped
members of more than 80 Native American tribes and is
doubling its size to provide additional services. Also in
Newkirk are an expanded Wellness
Center and Gymnasium, Tribal Youth Program, and
Headquarters in Kaw City, Oklahoma includes a complex of
four buildings, plus a newly constructed Education and
Social Services Building housing Enrollment, Language,
Education, and Social Services/Child Support Programs.
Soon to be constructed is an adjacent building which will
house tribal archives, library, and distance learning
Kaw Nation actively
partners with the communities of which it is a part. The
new and soon-to-be-constructed buildings in Kaw
City are on land donated by the
City of Kaw City. In partnership with Kay County
Commissioners, the tribe has completed bridge repairs and
resurfaced 11 miles of a major road. Kaw Nation economic
development plans include joint tribal-city water
treatment projects and alternative energy programs
involving communities and other tribes. Kaw Nation is one
of the largest employers in Kay County. The Nation's economic
impact in 2006 was $312,000,000 and is anticipated to be
$442,000,000 in 2007.
"Kaw Nation seeks
to increase services to tribal citizens through
economic development in partnership with our area
communities while preserving our culture, history,
and language. We appreciate the support from our
Council Grove and other Kansas neighbors in helping
us to tell the Kanzas' story at Allegawaho Memorial
Heritage Park. "
----Guy Munroe, Chairman
Kaws have retained vital ties to their ancestral
homelands in the Council Grove area. Each
year Kaw people return here in June to host and cosponsor an
Inter-Tribal Pow Wow held on the Kaw Mission grounds in conjunction with
the Washunga Days celebration. The
name of the celebration honors Washunga, the Chief of
the Kaw Tribe after their move to Indian Territory
Historical Pageant:
The Kaw Nation cosponsors
the Council Grove historical pageant, Voices of the Wind People.
Held in 1992, '93, '96,'99, '01, '04, '06 , '08 and '10, Voices is a powerful
dramatization of the early history of the Kaw people.
Historical Park to Honor Kanza's
Heritage: |
In March, 2000, the Kaw
Nation purchased approximately 150 acres of land three
and one half miles south of
Council Grove, Kansas. This was
the site of the last Kanza (Kaw) village before their
removal to Indian Territory (Oklahoma) in 1873.
The land was purchased from Steven Huston, Randall Huston,
and Curtis Suplee, descendants of August Haucke, who
owned the property for many years. Together with
additional acreage donated by the owners, the site is
being developed as an historical park, telling the story
of the Kanza in their last Kansas homeland.
Kaw Nation combined
tribal funds with master plan financing from the
National Park Service and stabilization monies from the
Kansas Historical Society to begin the heritage
project. Additional funding from the Kansas Department
of Commerce, Travel and Tourism Division, helped finance
the two-mile Kanza Heritage Trail, which provides
visitors with a close look at the prairies, forest,
streambanks, hilltops, and historic sites within the

Pause Point |
Significant features
The stabilized ruins of the Kaw Agency
The 40-foot stone obelisk erected in 1925 to honor an
unknown Kaw warrior whose remains were discovered on
the site;
The ruins of three of the 138 stone huts erected by
the U.S. government as housing for tribal members;
model earth/bark lodge, currently under construction,
which was the traditional and preferred dwelling of
the Kanza ( a joint project with the Atchison
County Historical Society, using a Lewis and Clark
Challenge/Cost Share Grant);
Viewing circles along the trail with tribal designs
and audio posts telling Kanza history, culture, and
Fields of native grasses and wildflowers.
a virtual tour of the Kanza Heritage Trail

Agency Building

Earth/bark Lodge
Oak Seedlings to Commemorate Kaw Heritage:
Each spring since 2002 bur oak
seedlings have been planted along the Kanza Rails Trail right-of-way
from Council Grove to the Park site. Over time 807 bur oaks will be
established as living memorials to the 807 members of the Kaw Tribe who
were listed in the 1862 census.
The Last Pure-blooded Kaw:
A sad event made the year 2000 even more momentous
for the Kaws. On April 23, the last pure-blooded Kaw, William Mehojah,
82, died in Omaha, Nebraska. A native of Washunga, Oklahoma, Mr.
Mehojah graduated from Haskell Indian College in Lawrence, Kansas, and
was an employee of the Bureau of Indian Affairs for thirty years. He was
elected to the Kaw Nation Tribal Council in 1986 and became
Chairperson of the tribe a year later. In his three years of leadership,
Mr. Mehojah led in drafting a new tribal constitution.
"The reality of being the last full blood
to me is sad and lonely."
–William Mehojah, 1997
Related Link: Kaw Nation