Re-Establish Home near Council Grove
On April 20, 2002, the Kaw Nation dedicated 168
acres of their native homeland near Council Grove.
"This officially marks the return of the Kanzas to
the state that bears their name," said the Kaw
Nation's park director Betty Durkee.
Long term plans include construction of a visitor center
and reconstruction of a bark lodge representing
traditional Kanza dwellings. The master plan also will
stabilize the remaining structures, including the ruins
of one of the Agency buildings, construct trails
connecting points of interest, and tell the history of
the Kanza through audio posts and wayside exhibits.
NR - Listed on the National Register of Historic
Heritage Trail
The two-mile-long Kanza Heritage Trail loops through
the beautiful and historic 158-acre
owned and managed by the Kaw Nation. By walking
this Trail, you will engage a wonderful landscape
steeped in natural beauty and the rich cultural history
of the Kanza people who once lived here.
Take a virtual tour.
Flint Hills
Nature Trail
The three-and-one-half mile segment of the Flint
Hills Nature Trail connecting Council Grove to
Park was dedicated on April 20. The hiking and
biking trail follows the grade of the old Missouri
Pacific Railroad that ceased to operate on this section
in 1994.
The Kansas Horseman Foundation owns and manages the
trail, which when completed will extend from Osawatomie
to Herington.
Oak Grove to
Memorialize Kanzas
This spring three hundred bur oak seedlings were
planted in Allegawaho Memorial Heritage Park and
along the three-and-one-half-mile stretch of the Flint
Hills Nature Trail connecting the park to Council Grove.
The trees were planted as the initial phase in
creating living memorials to the 807 members of the
Kanza tribe counted in the 1862 census. Three hundred
bur oak seedlings will be planted each spring in 2003
and 2004, with the ultimate objective being the
establishment of an 807-tree memorial grove. more
From main street of Council Grove, Kansas
Head east on Highway 56 past traffic light by Pizza
Hut & Guardian of the Grove statue.
In approx. 1/10 of a mile, turn right on County Road
marked by green sign, "Dunlap 9", (also
labeled as 5th street).
Travel south 3 1/2 miles toward Dunlap.
After crossing small bridge, turn left on X
Turn left on 525 Road to park site.
Agency Building ruins will be on your right.
Unknown Kaw Warrior Monument is visible at top of hill.
Visitors should drive to the designated parking area
located approximately one-tenth of a mile north of the
Agency building on the right side of the road.
Walking paths will be marked from the parking area and
between the points of interest.
You can pick up a map and get more information about the
tour of Allegawaho Memorial Heritage Park at the Kaw
Mission State Historic Site.